Campanha ambiente

Vodafone Rally de Portugal accomplished FIA’s environmental “Achievement of Excellence”

29 junho 2017

The Automóvel Club de Portugal, organiser of the 2017 Vodafone Rally de Portugal, attained the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) highest environmental level, the “Achievement of Excellence”, which will be mandatory for all rallies in the 2018 WRC.

This resulted from having followed the collaboration and recommendations put forward by the Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA) and the FIA regarding the 2016 Vodafone Rally de Portugal. Among other items, paper consumption, environmental communication and training, soil and water pollution prevention, transports and solid waste integrated management have been adopted.

Solid waste management and environmental communication and training were ACP’s strongest points, through awareness-raising campaigns and Marshalls training, as well as the distribution of 62,000 recycling bags for plastic, paper, glass and undifferentiated waste throughout the Service Park and HQ. The collaboration of all municipalities involved in the 2017 Vodafone Rally de Portugal’s organisation was of the utmost importance.

Another important point for ACP was soil and water pollution prevention. This task was ensured by the Environmental Emergency Vehicle, a car which was present at different stages to support Marshalls and spectators. The distribution of an Oil Spillage Kit to all teams (in addition to the recycling bags) was also made available by ACP.

Regarding paper usage, which was not possible to reduce through the implementation of digital documents, was compensated by using recycled paper in all printed documentation before, during and after the event.

The promotion of carpooling and public transportation to access the different stages, as well as the partnership with CP (Portuguese train company) played, once again, an important role regarding spectators’ movements.

The Automóvel Club de Portugal will continue to implement all efforts to make the Rally de Portugal more and more environmental friendly, therefore contributing to its sustainability.

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